Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Student Service Opportunities

1. Alana is looking for face painters, balloon makers, and cheerful people to man our booth at Harbor Sounds in downtown Safety Harbor this weekend! That means you! Email me at hightide@cypressmeadows.org if you're interested in signing up for a slot with some of your friends!

2. Chuck is looking for some students interested in providing childcare for the Barnes & Miner comedy night Saturday, October 10th from 6:30-9:30. Please email me at hightide@cypressmeadows.org to let us know you'll be there! Thanks!!

3. Coastal clean-up is just around the corner on Saturday, October 17th from 8-12. This is an AWESOME opportunity to blow the city of Safety Harbor away with our student participation. Last year the MAYOR was so thrilled to see everyone participating he gave us a booth at the Wine Fest to sell T-Shirts for Haiti!?!? Remember that? Serving would entail picking up trash and straightening up things around our city's coast line. Please email me if you'd like to take part in this event at hightide@cypressmeadows.org!

You are the church - there is no plan "b"!
Serve like you mean it!

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