Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Films that make you say hmmm...

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to pass along the trailer for our next "deep" film viewing. If you haven't heard, we are planning on making these viewings a once-a-month occurence in response to the cool feedback we got from "Collision" and "To Save A Life". So bring your thinking caps and join us in the Studio 4:12 conference room this Sunday at 4pm.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Collision Preview

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to pass along the trailer to the "Collision" movie that we will be screening this Sunday @ 4pm in the 4:12 conference room. It should make for some interesting discussion afterward. If you, or someone you know, have had doubts about the validity of Christianity or if you are always finding yourself struggling to defend your faith against atheism, you won't want to miss this. Hope to see you all there...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year High Tide and families!

I am so looking forward to diving into ministry with all of you this year. 2010 promises to be a life-changing year for the student ministries at Cypress Meadows and I'm excited to experience it with such a great group of families!

Here are a couple of dates to get us started...

  • Saturday, January 16th we will be meeting at the church at 3pm to carpool over to the St. Pete Times Forum to attend Winter Jam (a huge concert with multiple Christian artists). Cost is $10. Concert starts at 6 but being first come first serve we want to get there EARLY!
  • Sunday, January 17th Chuck and Huebner will be showing a film called Collision at 4pm in Studio 4:12. "COLLISION carves a new path in documentary film-making as it pits leading atheist, political journalist and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens, against fellow author, satirist and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson as they go on the road to exchange blows over the question: "Is Christianity Good for the World?"." After the film Chuck and Huebner will lead students in a discussion about the debate. Should be interesting! This is a free event.
  • Monday, January 18th (MLK Day) we will have our coffee hang out time at the Main Street Starbucks at 5pm. At 6pm we will carpool back to the church for Bible Study which will end at 7:30. Bring some money for coffee & your Bible!
  • Friday, January 22nd we will be going as a group to watch the movie, "To Save A Life". This is a small indie film about the real life issues that teenagers face...looks awesome. Time and Location TBA.

There's a lot going on this month so keep checking the blog for updates! And remember text, call or email me ANYTIME for more information and to get answers to questions you might have:)