Monday, September 15, 2008


If you're looking for even quicker ways to know what's going on in High Tide Student Ministries I'd like to invite you to a cell phone network called Twitter.

Its easy, its free (except for standard text messaging rates), its safe (no unwanted text messages or information sold).

Its mass texting at its finest!

If you'd like text updates about the student ministry follow the instructions below:

1. Take out your cell phone
2. Go to your text message screen
3. In the number field put "40404"
4. In the message field put "follow hightidestuff"
5. Push send
6. You'll get a message saying please reply with your name. This can be a nickname, your first name, or just a series of meaningless letters. Nothing official is needed.
7. You'll get a message saying "You'll receive a message every time hightidestuff updates their twitter account."
8. Congrats! You're following High Tide Student Ministry and will be super informed about everything that's going on with us!

Still skeptical? Follow this link to Twitter and check it out for yourself!


yeah man itsROSE said...

Can't wait for next week! I will be sure to be on time for ACTION TEAM! ;) And you spell it Jared. But no biggie! :)


Janice the Janitor said...

Thanx Rosie, I'll make the change;)