Wow. If you were around on Sunday night all I have to say is, "Thank you for getting real!" You and I both know we were apart of a God thing and it was AWESOME!
Thank you!
Now, on to the announcements:) First, if you haven't heard yet we're launching a new preteen ministry THIS Sunday morning at 11:00 AM called ONEANOTHER for students in the 5th, 6th, 7th grade. For 5th and 6th graders this means no more Group 56 on Sunday nights. For 7th graders this means they get to choose whether they want to come to ONEANOTHER, High Tide or both! Get the word out...its gonna be fun!!
Secondly, we're heading to Starkey Wilderness Preserve for a tent camping trip on April 17th-19th for students in 7th-12th grade. The cost of the trip is $10 but that does not include dinner on the drive to the campground. It will cover everything else. If you haven't signed up for the trip PLEASE email me at or leave a comment on our blog or text me. I need to know if you can drive there (we will be carpooling) and if you have a tent we can use! Can't wait!!
God started something on Sunday night that we've been so ready for and if you missed it DON'T miss the follow up this weekend at 6:30 pm! You never know what might happen:)